Getting Ready to Make a Change: Have a Plan

The next step in Making a Change is: Have a Plan. “Well, where am I supposed to get that?!”, some may ask…. Others may have a plan from the minute they decide to make a change. Especially if you are planning something as big as a move, the more detailed your plan can be, the more it can help make your process smooth and keep you out of overwhelm, which keeps it easier. Even if you are a person who generally keeps a lot in your head, this can be a good time to make some lists. It will help make the process less stressful.

First of all, consider all the factors for this change. Some of the factors might be health of yourself, or a partner: what is needed now? What may be needed soon? Financial restrictions: what can you afford? Location: do you want to stay in the same area, go be near family, or move somewhere you have always wanted to go? During this time, you can be building internal motivation for what it will take to do the work to achieve the change you want.

Next, do research. Ask questions to get more information. Once you have gathered as much information as you need to feel comfortable making a decision, do so.

Once you have a direction, it’s time to start making checklists. Almost everyone benefits from writing some of these things down. Some checklists might be: 

  • Who to call to carry out your decision: family, a retirement community to reserve a unit, a realtor to discuss a timeline, etc.
  • Things to do, such as sorting: items to family and who, items to sell and where, items to donate and where.
  • People to hire for help and in what areas, such as home repair and moving help.
  • People to ask for help and in what areas, such as taking items to a church sale.

One helpful way to make checklists is according to a timeline. If you would like a copy of a moving timeline, please email us at . 6 months, 3 months, 1 month, 2 weeks, 1 week, day of…. using a timeline can make sure you get things done at the right time.

Completing your checklists should be automatically leading you to the finish line, as you go step by step. For example, if you have items to downsize, go area by area. Stay motivated by focusing on your goal, or who you are blessing with what you are letting go of. Perhaps a special story of an item wants to be told to your grandchildren, or you have extra blankets that could be given to the homeless; there is much to be shared in moving items around. Not only that, but letting go of some items creates space, for newness, for creation, for connection. Items do have meaning, an energy, and when they are pulled out and looked at, there is a connection that happens with that item. Enjoy the process, and keep going for your goal.

With each checklist you complete, each countdown timeline that you pass, you will be getting closer to your move or other plan being complete. You can do it!

In our next blog, we will talk about one area that is a challenge for many: Asking for help. Stay tuned!

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